As a service, Puzzle Piece Safeguarding utilises many years of experience leading Safeguarding to provide bespoke consultancy that goes beyond generic advice.
Working closely with partners to deeply understand your context is a vital part of each service, allowing me to tailor solutions to your organisation's specific requirements. Whether it's policy development, staff training, strategic guidance,or supervision, let's build a safeguarding system that truly fits.
Take a look below at the packages available.
If you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact me to discuss your needs.
In a world of escalating online risks, complex family dynamics, and a heightened awareness of potential harm, Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) shoulder an immense responsibility.
Safeguarding supervision provides a vital lifeline for DSLs, offering dedicated space for reflection, analysis, and strategic support. This structured process empowers DSLs to navigate the ever-evolving complexities of safeguarding, ensuring the best possible outcomes for vulnerable individuals.
There are a variety of options available to suit the needs of your organisation.
Click here for more information.

Safeguarding Audits
Comprehensive safeguarding audits are available on request to ensure your organisation is both fully compliant with safeguarding guidelines and legislation but also has a robust safeguarding culture where children are at the heart of all decisions.
Supporting you in identifying areas of improvement and providing tailored recommendations for effective action plans is a key part of this process.
After the audits, support, advice, and follow-up sessions are available on request.
Strategic Support
Drawing on nine years of experience working in a growing MAT, and following completion of my NPQEL, I work with new and growing Multi Academy Trusts to develop systems and processes for managing Safeguarding at Scale.
Work can include strategy, policy and procedure, safer recruitment, training, governance, monitoring, and more.

Safeguarding Training
Bespoke safeguarding training for educational staff and DSLs can be provided to ensure a secure understanding of the latest safeguarding guidelines and best practices.
Training is interactive and engaging, using real-life experiences, providing staff with practical knowledge and skills to help them safeguard children and young people.